
来源:中国辐射卫生 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-03-03
摘要:[11]李霞.若尔盖湿地土壤有机碳储量时空变化研究[D]: [博士学位论文].北京: 北京林业大学,2016. [12]戴洋.若尔盖湿地的陆气相互作用模拟研究[D]: [博士学位论

[11]李霞.若尔盖湿地土壤有机碳储量时空变化研究[D]: [博士学位论文].北京: 北京林业大学,2016.

[12]戴洋.若尔盖湿地的陆气相互作用模拟研究[D]: [博士学位论文].北京: 中国气象科学研究院,2006.

[13]郭洁,李国平.若尔盖气候变化及其对湿地退化的影响[J].高原气象,2007,26(2): 422-428.

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The near-surface air temperature,soil temperature,near-surface relative humidity,soil moisture,wind direction and near-surface radiation of the Zoige wetland area were analyzed using the observation data of the Zoige area in the summer of 2015.The study found that the near-surface and surface temperature are relatively unstable,the daily temperature difference of the soil temperature is smaller than that of the near-surface temperature,and the temperature extreme value of the deeper layer of the soil has a significant lag compared with the shallow is a significant daily variation in relative humidity,reaching a maximum before sunrise,reaching a minimum at the highest sun angle,and a deep change in the deep wind direction of the Zoige region is mainly southerly from July to addition,the diurnal variation of the downward short-wave radiation and the upward short-wave radiation is unimodal,and is numerically significantly larger than the upward short-wave monthly trend of the downward long-wave radiation and the upward long-wave radiation is basically the same.In addition,the Zoige area uses latent heat transport as the main energy transport path.

文章来源:《中国辐射卫生》 网址: http://www.zgfswszz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0303/442.html


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